Association Bylaws

Chapter 1: General Provisions

  • Article 1 (Purpose): The purpose of this association is to promote friendship and the rights of Korean residents and to enhance the friendship and understanding between Korea and the U.S. through cultural exchange.
  • Article 2 (Name): This association shall be called “The Korean-American Association of Greater Greensboro” (KAAGG).
  • Article 3 (Location): The office of the association shall be located in the greater Greensboro area.
  • Article 4 (Business): To achieve the purpose outlined in Article 1, the association shall engage in the following activities:
    1. Promoting friendship between Korea and the U.S.
    2. Advocating for the rights of the Korean community.
    3. Supporting and fostering Korean language education for second-generation Koreans through the operation of a Korean school.
    4. Conducting any other necessary business to achieve the association’s goals.
    5. The association shall oversee the Korean school and other affiliated Korean organizations.

Chapter 2: Membership

  • Article 5 (Membership): Membership is divided into regular members and special members.
    1. Regular members: Any Korean immigrant, their spouse, or immediate family member, aged 18 or older, residing in Greensboro, High Point, Winston-Salem, Burlington, or nearby areas.
    2. Special members: Individuals who are not regular members but have a strong interest in or have contributed to the development of the Korean community.
  • Article 6 (Rights and Duties of Members): Members are entitled to the rights and responsibilities outlined in these bylaws upon payment of the specified membership dues.
  • Article 7 (Resignation): Membership resignation is classified as either automatic or by resolution of the board.
    1. Automatic resignation: Occurs when a member relocates to another region.
    2. Resignation by board resolution: Members who damage the reputation of the association may be expelled by board resolution.

 Chapter 3: Officers

  • Article 8 (Types and Numbers of Officers): The association shall have the following officers:
    1. Executive Board: One president and one vice president.
    2. Officers: General Secretary, Treasurer, Volunteer Coordinator, Public Relations, Athletics, Women’s Affairs, Education, and Secretary. These positions may be added or reduced based on board resolutions.
    3. Auditors: Two auditors.
    4. Directors: At least 8 directors. Directors are to be selected from various regions, with 2 from Greensboro, 2 from High Point, 1 from Winston-Salem, and 1 from Burlington. The number of directors may be adjusted as needed.
  • Article 9 (Term of Office):
    1. The term of the president is two years, non-renewable.
    2. The term of directors and officers is two years, and they may be reappointed.
    3. Newly elected presidents and directors shall assume office on July 15.
  • Article 10 (Method of Electing Executive Board):
    1. The executive board consists of one president and one vice president. Candidates for the executive board must have resided in the association’s jurisdiction for at least three years and have been a regular member for at least one year. Presidential candidates require the endorsement of at least 10 regular members, and the candidate with the most votes from attending members is elected.
    2. The president nominates the vice president and other officers, who must be approved by the board.
  • Article 11 (Method of Electing Directors): Directors must meet the same qualifications as the executive board. Candidacy for director requires the endorsement of two regular members. If there are more candidates than vacancies, the top candidates by vote count will be elected.
  • Article 12 (Honorary Positions):
    1. The association may appoint advisors as honorary positions.
    2. Past presidents automatically become advisors, and the current president may nominate other respected individuals for approval by the board. Advisors may serve for life.
  • Article 13 (Duties of the President):
    1. The president represents and oversees the association.
    2. The vice president assists the president and acts as president in the event of absence or removal of the president.
  • Article 14 (Election and Duties of Auditors):
    1. Auditors are elected by the general assembly in the same manner as directors.
    2. Auditors perform the following duties:
      1. Audit the association’s financial situation.
      2. Report any discrepancies found during audits.
      3. Request the convening of the general assembly or board to report audit findings.
      4. Present the financial situation and board operations to the general assembly or board.
      5. Sign and seal the minutes of the general assembly and board meetings.

Chapter 4: General Assembly

  • Article 15 (Functions of the General Assembly): The general assembly shall decide on the following matters:
    1. Election of the executive board.
    2. Amendments to the bylaws.
    3. Approval of the budget and financial reports.
    4. Approval of business plans.
    5. Any matters referred to the general assembly by the board.
    6. Other important matters.
  • Article 16 (Convening the General Assembly):
    1. The general assembly shall meet annually in May, and elections shall be held during the general assembly in the final year of the president’s term. Special meetings may be called as needed by the president.
    2. The president must notify members at least seven days in advance of the meeting, specifying the agenda and time.
  • Article 17 (Quorum for General Assembly Resolutions)
    1. The General Assembly opens with at least 50 members present. However, if there are 800 or more regular members, the meeting opens with at least 70 members present.
    2. Resolutions of the General Assembly are decided by a majority vote of the regular members present. Only regular members may exercise voting rights.
  • Article 18 (Special Provisions for Convening the General Assembly):
    1. The convener of the General Assembly must convene the meeting within 30 days of receiving any of the following requests:
      1. When more than half of the incumbent directors request a meeting by stating its purpose.
      2. When an auditor requests a meeting in accordance with Article 14.
      3. When at least one-third of the regular members submit a joint signature requesting a meeting for a specific purpose.
    2. If the person with the authority to convene the General Assembly refuses, making it impossible to convene, more than half of the incumbent directors may convene the meeting.
    3. A General Assembly convened under Section b is chaired by a person elected under the supervision of the board of directors.
  • Article 19 (Exclusion from General Assembly Resolutions): When the president or a regular member is involved in any of the following matters, they are not allowed to participate in the resolution:
    1. Matters related to the appointment or dismissal of officers concerning oneself.
    2. Matters involving monetary or property transactions where the interests of the member and the organization conflict.

Chapter 5: Board of Directors

  • Article 20 (Composition of the Board): The board consists of at least eight directors.
  • Article 21 (Functions of the Board): The board reviews and decides on the following:
    1. Directors attend board meetings to review and decide on matters related to the organization’s business and handle matters delegated by the board or the president.
    2. Matters concerning the operation of business plans and the preparation of budgets and financial statements.
    3. Drafting and amending bylaws, as well as establishing and amending regulations required for the implementation of these bylaws.
  • Article 22 (Quorum for Resolutions):
    1. The Board meeting is valid with the attendance of a majority of the directors and resolutions are passed by a majority vote of those present. If there is a tie, the chairman of the board has the casting vote.
    2. When convening a board meeting, the chair must notify each director of the purpose at least seven days in advance.
    3. The Board may only resolve matters specified in the notification. However, if all directors are present and agree unanimously, they may discuss and resolve unnotified matters.
  • Article 23 (Special Provisions for Convening the Board)
    1. The president must convene a board meeting within 20 days upon receiving any of the following requests:
      1. When a majority of the incumbent directors request a meeting by stating its purpose.
      2. When an auditor requests a meeting according to Article 14.
    2. If the person with the authority to convene the Board refuses to do so, making it impossible to hold a meeting for more than seven days, a majority of the incumbent directors may convene the meeting.
    3. A board meeting convened according to Section a is chaired by the oldest director present.
  • Article 24 (Prohibition of Written Resolutions): Directors cannot make resolutions in writing.

Chapter 6: Assets and Accounting

  • Article 25 (Finances): The organization’s finances are covered by the following revenues:
    1. Membership fees, donations, and other income.
  • Article 26 (Membership Dues): The amount of membership dues is decided by the board.
  • Article 27 (Fiscal Year): The association’s fiscal year begins on July 15.
  • Article 28 (Revenue and Expenditure Budget): The revenue and expenditure budget and business plans are implemented with the approval of the Board and the General Assembly.
  • Article 29 (Debt Outside the Budget): Any liabilities incurred outside the budget or waiver of claims must be approved by the Board and reported to the General Assembly.

Chapter 7: Supplementary Provisions

  • Article 30 (Meeting Regulations): Regulations necessary for the operation of meetings shall be determined by board resolution.
  • Article 31 (Dissolution): The association cannot be dissolved as long as the Korean community exists.
  • Article 32 (Amendments to Bylaws): Amendments to the bylaws require a petition signed by at least 30 members and a majority vote from attending regular members at the general assembly.

Chapter 8: Election Rules

  • Article 33 (Election Notice):
    1. The election date must be announced to regular members at least 30 days in advance.
    2. Candidates must register at least 15 days prior to the election, and the election committee must notify regular members seven days before the election.
  • Article 34 (Formation of the Election Committee): The president appoints up to six members of the election committee at least 30 days before the election, subject to board approval.
    1. The chairman of the election committee is selected from among its members.
    2. The election committee is automatically dissolved upon the inauguration of the new president.
  • Article 35: Any matters not covered in these bylaws shall be governed by customary practices
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